AS oF March 2023
AS oF March 2023
Q. What is the Garden Cove Residence Association, Inc.?
A. It is an Association of 100 owners of homes and shares in a cooperative organized under Florida
Law since 1988 and which is operated in accordance with the provisions of Florida Statutes 719.
Law since 1988 and which is operated in accordance with the provisions of Florida Statutes 719.
Q. Who directs the business of the Association?
A. The affairs of the Association shall be governed by a Board composed of seven (7) Directors. No more than one natural person from each unit shall be eligible to be a candidate or serve on the board. The term of each Director Service shall serve staggered terms of three (3) years.
Q. Are there rules which the shareholders must follow, and if so, how does one know what the rules are?
A. Each Shareholder is provided with a park Prospectus that contains the rules of the park in Section D. When a share is sold, the selling shareholder is required by Florida Law to provide a copy of the Prospectus to the buyer. A lost Prospectus may be replaced at a cost of $35.00 by contacting the Board.
Q. Is there a maintenance fee and if so, what items are paid for by the maintenance fee?
A. There is a maintenance fee of $176.00, which is paid monthly by the shareholder to the Garden Cove Residence Association. The fee is determined by the Board of Directors and covers such items as maintenance of the roads, swimming pool, clubhouse and common grounds. It also includes water and sewer charges, repairs and insurance of the common property, professional management fees and the like. The annual budget, which is established in November, contains a detailed list of costs paid for by the monthly maintenance fee.
Q. What are the residency requirements of Garden Cove?
A. The Association is a community limited to two persons per home, one of whom must be 55 or over. All guests must be registered by the Association and guests who stay over two (2) weeks must be approved by the Board. Each guest is limited to a maximum of thirty (30) days per year
Q. May a house be sub-let?
A. With Board approval, homes may be rented to persons aged fifty-five (55) or older.
Q. Does a shareowner own his lot?
A. No, a shareowner is an owner of a share in a 100-unit cooperative. It is his responsibility to maintain his home and the lot designated on his share certificate according to the Master Occupancy Agreement and the Rules of the Association which are printed in the Prospectus, Sections C and D. The shareholder holds a long-term lease on the lot and enjoys exclusive use of the lot on which the home is located.
Q. What plumbing is the resident responsible for?
A. The shareholder must maintain and pay for all plumbing (water & sewer) within and under the home. The Association is responsible for repair and maintenance of the sewer from outside the skirting of the home and for the water line from the main line to the Association’s valve on the shareowner’s lot.
Q. What trees do the Association maintain?
A. The Association trims marker trees which mark the limits of the lot and also trees in the common areas. Other trees are the responsibility of the shareholder. The Association has an easement for utility work and shareholders are not to plant trees on the utility easement. Owners should contact Board members before planting any trees.
Q. Are pets allowed in Garden Cove?
A. Pets are allowed in Garden Cove. Every pet must be on a leash when outdoors, and pet owners are required to clean up after the pets in the park.
Q. What activities does the Association provide or sponsor?
A. The Association sponsors swimming, shuffleboard, pot-lucks, breakfasts, luncheons, coffee hours, bingo, bunko, pool/billiards, bowling and golf. All children under the age of fifteen (15) must be accompanied by a responsible adult when using the recreational facilities.
Q. Who handles questions and problems in the park?
A. Shareholders may contact any Board member during business hours (9am to 4pm) on weekdays or the Management Co. For emergencies after hours and for share transfers or payments shareholders should contact the management company:
SWFL CAM Services L.L.C.
10231 Metro Parkway #204
Ft. Myers, FL 33966
Tel: (239)243-8700 Fax: (239)245-8302
SWFL CAM Services L.L.C.
10231 Metro Parkway #204
Ft. Myers, FL 33966
Tel: (239)243-8700 Fax: (239)245-8302